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My trip Death Valley

Death Valley

 Death Valley is one of the driest and the lowest places in North America. This place once was all under water, and there is significant evidence as the rocks was once sand submerged. The oldest rocks in Death Valley were formed 1.7 billion years ago. The lime and sand stone indicate that there was a warm shallow sea. Death Valley lies between two plates cause an uplift, forming mountains. The next phase of the Death Valley formation was the travelling volcano's. The move meant the plates hot molten material welled up weakening the surface, and causing an eruption. The volcanic activity moved towards the West, forming a chain of volcanoes from Furnace Creek to Shoshone. Death Valley’s climate has been changing for the past three million years, Death Valley was part of the last ice age, and it was part of a large system of lakes. As the temperature started to rise the lakes evaporated.

Death Valley was known for borax mines. The twenty mule train was used to carry the borax that was mined out. It was closed later on, once Death Valley became a National park only in 1994. The floor elevation is -85 m (-279 ft.)  Area of 3,000 miles and is located in Eastern California. Furnace creek located in Death Valley holds a world record temperature of 56.7 degrees Celsius. During monsoon Death Valley has flash floods. There are vast varieties of wild flowers during winter. There are some fish (pup fish) that come with the water during monsoon most of them die and end up being eaten by the coyotes.

I loved Death Valley and would like to visit again for to understand a little more in depth its vast change in climate over a few million years. From a sea to volcanic mountains, and to having steady droughts.      


  1. It really surprises me when we realize the kind of changes Death Valley has seen during the last millions of years and it continues to evolve...amazing hand of nature at work here.


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