Ø We hear/read about the
death of a tiger or an elephant every other month. If we look back it is all
for a silly reason, it is us humans who are acquiring their territory, causing
them to stray into villages and fields. Often to defend itself it attacks people
as that is its basic instinct to defend. Sadly it loses out as it is killed or
beaten and injured. As villagers are illiterate they don’t understand, if the
forest guards explain to them to not kill wild animals but scare them away by
making sounds. The best option is to relocate some of the villagers, and to
keep a patrol on rounds in villages that often come across tigers.
Coming to elephants, we
often see many elephants dying on train tracks. Here it is the railways that is
at fault as they have laid tracks through the forest in Assam. We cannot
disturb the elephants path as that is the only way they can reach the other
side of the forest. Here is what we humans could do.
Construct an over bridge up till the elephants crossing is
To add a laser which detect objects well ahead of the trains
breaking ability
Ø By taking actions such
as these, we can improve the knowledge of villagers, plus decrease the death
rate of wild animals.
Educating villagers and tribals is of utmost imporatnce. We also need to curb the greed among us the human beings who want to grab every inch of available land for our selfish use....Good post !