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How car makers have adjusted to Indian needs 
In the 80s and early 90s all we had was different categories in the same branded car which read as mark one, mark two, and mark 3 etc. There were only a few companies like the Hindustan Motors with their Ambassador or the Premier Padmini from Premier Auto Ltd. In the early 80s we had the game changer, in the form of Maruti Suzuki who is now selling more than 2 lac cars per month.
Let us take a look at how the car manufacturers  are trying to make their product suit Indian demands. When we come to buying a new car we look at various things such as mileage, resale value and service network. We are so used asking how much mileage a car gives that we don’t mind whether the car is safe on road or not. For example the Suzuki swift recently failed the crash test but no one cares we all still buy it saying it gives good mileage. The Hyundai are closing up by giving good features and some other gizmos to attract their customer’s. We also ask how much we will get if we sell it. Things we should focus more on is cost of spares, how their service quality is, and how their customer care is, these are the most important things.  

In the above paragraph I have mentioned about things we must look at, such as safety and customer care. If you want air bags right from the lowest variant then you have an option of buying a Toyota or a Volkswagen product. They offer you air bags right from the lowest model, plus you get a reliable vehicle. As I mentioned that Hyundai’s give many features like the automatic wipers and other things, that they don’t understand that such thing cost a lot of money, and Indian car buyers can’t afford to replace it every time. On the other hand Toyotas provide you with essential or rather basic features, which would help you drive better. For example in Fortuner there is an automatic light leveller. This ensures that your lights are focused and don’t change when you go over a hump. These are few things we must look at before purchasing a car.   


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